The Philharmonic Orchestra of Europe (POE) consists of some of the finest European musicians from the younger generation.
orchestra comprises 80 members coming from all over Europe. The
musicians pursue careers as soloists, are members of notable chamber
ensembles, or hold principal positions in leading orchestras such as the
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam, the Konzerthausorchester
Berlin and the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House London. With members
of renowned stringquartets as section leaders and its further
high-ranking musicians the Philharmonic Orchestra of Europe enjoys the
highest artistic standards.
Each season they enjoy playing with the POE for a
few tours and projects to rehearse and experience afresh a symphonic
repertoire, ranging from chamberorchestra repertoire to large-scale
orchestral concerts with the symphonies by Sibelius, Tchaikovsky,
Bruckner and Mahler.
CD recordings and symphony concerts, as well
as the performance of ensemble works for string- and wind-instruments
offer an impressive repertoire, ranging from classical to contemporary.
In addition to the Philharmonic Orchestra of Europe`s major orchestral
programs, chamber music remains a central focus of the individual
orchestra members, since it is seen as the root to achieving a
constantly renewable tonal transparency and musical intensity, with
which the orchestra is identified.

List of Musicians
1st violins
Uta Kunert (1st Concertmaster)
Daniel Dodds (1st Concertmaster)
Zuzana Schmitz-Kulanova (C.master)
Peter Bogaert (Concertmaster)
Karl Sousa (Concertmaster)
Evelina Antcheva
Franz Chien
Doren Dinglinger
Johanneke Haverkate
Myrthe Helder
Julia Kim
Hanna Madejska
Ralf Perlowski
Michael Rein
Kasia Reifur
Janne Sörensen
Esiona Stefani
Anne-Marie Volten
Nina de Waal
Lisa You
Pawel Zuzanski
2nd violins
Quirine Scheffers (Leader 2nd Violins)
Casandra Didu (Leader 2nd Violins)
Karolina Weltrowska (Principal 2nd Violin)
Inga Anheuer
Melanie Chung
Emanuel Coman
Thirza van Driel
Nazli Giglberger
Yasmin Heider
Helbertien Hylkema
Feyona van Iersel
Magdalena Makowska
Rebecca Martin
Veronica Richter
Vroni Reitmeier
Filip Saffray
Cornelia Unger
Magdalena Zagozdzon
Aida-Carmen Soanea (1st Principal Viola)
Sophia Reuter (1st Principal Viola)
Donata Boecking (Principal)
Katarzyna Bugala
Susanna Hefele
Lisa Kim
Thorsten Köpke
Ada Meinich
Laura Möckel
Meintje de Roest
Maren Steinmetz
Laura van der Stoep
Eva Suslikova
Dorian Wetzel
Aleksandra Wieczynska
Petra Wolff
Birgit Böhme (1st Principal Cello)
Romain Garioud (1st Principal Cello)
Laura Wiek (Principal)
Karel Bredenhorst
Zoé Cartier
Peiwen Chen
Eva Freitag
Stephan Heber
Teemu Myöhänen
Thomas Schmitz
Julia Tom
Marije Toenink
Yukou Uenomoto
Gina Yu
Double Bassis
Veit-Peter Schüssler (1st Principal Bass)
Szymon Marciniak (1st Principal Bass)
Dragan Trajkovski (Principal)
Koenraad Hofman
Arjen Leendertz
Finne van der Maar
Hyun Ju Oh
Aniko Racz
George Weghorst
Andrea Oliva (Principal)
Barbara Deleu (Principal)
Jens Becker
Levke Hollmer
Margreet Niks
Victor Aviat (Principal)
Ivan Podyomov (Principal)
Friederike Hulman
Anja van der Maten
Bruno Luisoni
Michael Hesselink (Principal)
Dimitri Ashkenazy (Principal)
Martin Bewersdorf
Bart de Kater
Valentin Vogt
Federico Aluffi (Principal)
Stefan Kasper
Amrei Liebold
Yukuko Tayoshi
René Pagen (Principal)
Stefanie Rübel (Principal)
Joost van der Elst (Principal)
Ralph Ficker
Syta Ipma
Péter Jánosi
Stefan Oetter
Cleo Simons
Lars Wachelder
Stephan Stadtfeld (Principal)
Ido Jan Stalman (Principal)
Matthew Brown
Danielle Egberts
Raymond Rook
Matthew Sadler
James Williams
Quirijn van den Bijlaard
Bram Peters
Molly Bashaw
Stefan Kaundinya
Arno Schlenk
Bas Voorter
Slawick Stakhov
Marc Gosemärker
Tobias Liebezeit
Ralf Zartmann
Tatjana Schütz-Bartneck